(Don’t Be One of) The 5 Worst People You Meet at the Company Holiday Party

Since I have my own business, I don’t really get to attend company holiday parties anymore.  I was able to attend my wife’s company parties until she semi-retired last year so all I have are the stories I hear from others.  And trust me, NOBODY remembers the party where everyone acted professionally and behaved themselves.

Since as The Boss, you have to be the example, be sure you aren’t memorable.  At all!

So, to help you not screw up the party, please avoid channeling five the people below:

  1. The Over-Indulger.  Ok you knew this one was coming.  I bring it up first because if you start with this one, you’ll probably quickly become one or all of the next ones on the list.  Alcohol is wonderful.  Even Jesus had it with his disciples and created his own label once at a wedding.  But we don’t have any written accounts of Jesus dancing around the party with a lampshade on His head.  If you’re going to drink, PACE yourself.  Eat some food.  Alternate water with your drinks.  Mixing booze and water together doesn’t count by the way.
  2. The Over-Discloser.  Just because you’re at an off-duty party with your work friends, that doesn’t mean it’s time to pretend you’ll never see any of them in a professional setting again.  This is NOT the time to talk about office politics, what you think of The Boss or HR.  Keep your opinions on pay and benefits to yourself and for goodness sake, please don’t discuss issues with your direct reports.  Remember, alcohol lowers your inhibitions.
  3. The Over-Celebrator.  There will be booze.  There will be music. There will be the temptation to put your two left feet in motion or, attempt to harmonize with Elvis as he sings about his Blue Christmas.  Just imagine that everyone around you will be recording you with their smart phone…because they WILL be!  YouTube is forever.
  4. The Over-Protector.  If someone wishes you “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” don’t be a big baby and make a huge production about it.  Just smile and be gracious. There is enough divisiveness these days so don’t add to it by pontificating on how everyone is so overly sensitive today.  If you’re a vegan or a paleo, or a meatatarian like me, don’t make a scene over the menu.  Eat what your diet allows you and be gracious.  It’s the holidays dammit.  Just have fun!
  5. The Over-Observer.  Yeah, this will probably be you.  You’re smart enough not to get too inebriated and you don’t want to hear from your boss how out-of-control everyone was, so you think it’s your job to be the Fun Police.  Don’t do it.  Just make the rounds, smile and be gracious, and unless something completely illegal or HR-inappropriate happens, just pretend you’re in Vegas and let it go.

Holiday parties are supposed to be fun and build morale.  They should be memorable for the right reasons.  This year, do YOUR part to ensure it accomplishes its purpose.

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