Credibility: Your Key to Success

My wife has a dilemma.  Her favorite personal trainer at the gym she belongs to is leaving the area next month.  Even though she doesn’t really need it, she enjoys working out with someone who pushes her hard.   Right now, there is only one other trainer available.  The only problem is that, in my wife’s opinion, that trainer has no credibility.

You see, last year this other trainer was in the fitness boot camp class alongside my wife.  She lost a bunch of weight and became a trainer.  What my wife remembers however is how much she dogged it in these rigorous workouts.  She’s not sure how she can take instruction from someone who doesn’t have the insane drive she has.  There is a big lack of credibility here.

Credibility is a big deal.  It means that people believe what you say and trust that you’ll do what you say.  Building credibility starts early, even before most people recognize it.  Then one day you wonder why nobody takes you seriously.

As The Boss, you need credibility to get people to do what you need them to.

It all begins when you’re an individual contributor.  How hard do you work?  Do you do what you say you’ll do?

It builds when you become a supervisor.  Do you follow through on what you say you’ll do? Do you embody the standards you hold others to?

It’s paramount when you are The Boss.  If you’re not willing to be the example (and you prove this through your current and prior actions), then forget anyone following you.

This week, think about WHAT you do and HOW you do it.  Would YOU follow YOU based on what YOU do?  If not, then get busy rebuilding your reputation.  It may take some time, but with good, consistent action, it’s possible.  Don’t downplay the importance of credibility.

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